The Accidental 8-Year-Old Entrepreneur
This is Tristan Hill. When Tristan was 8 years old, he and his little sister were tinkering around with paint. The results were 2 very creative works of art. He jokingly asked his Mom if she wanted to buy them and she said yes (no surprise there). So what happened next? Tristan created more paintings and he began telling people that he was creating and selling his artwork. He then asked them if they would buy a painting from him and everyone that he asked said “yes.” Just like that an entrepreneur was born. Isn’t that amazing? Within a few days, he had sold 8 to 10 paintings at an average of $10 per painting. While he does not realize what a great accomplishment that is, it’s really a huge deal.
That’s just a testament of the potential that you know that kids have. Given the right tools, encouragement and their own creativity, not only will adults be surprised, but the kids will be surprised as well.
You can check out some of Tristan’s paintings on Tristan’s Facebook page.